mardi 23 février 2016

can mitch mcconnell be trusted

I think he will stand his ground now. Given the Republican's abysmal favorability rating for failure to stop Obozo, caving into his warped agenda, and the unlikely meteoric rise of an anti-politician, I think Republicans are grudgingly beginning to "get it." Plus, there is enough history and even recorded remarks from Obozo and Biden who also pushed for NOT approving a scotus during a lame duck term.

Trump has also taught Republicans to not fear the media when his bold non-pc statements don't result in his demise. THAT is a key lesson Republicans need to remember the next time the media brands them as racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, and anti-American for doing things like deporting people and shutting down government to exercise their power of the purse.

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can mitch mcconnell be trusted

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