jeudi 25 février 2016

Republicans vs. Democrats, the fight for the 2A and other rights

I've been reading a lot online as of late with the presidential race going on, the fight for the 2A and our other inalienable rights and have been in some pretty heated discussions with family members and friends about who actually has our best intentions in mind during this race. Not only that, but also the discussion with family members (who know I am applying with police departments) who do not support Law Enforcement and believe that I along with others will just abuse the badge. This coming from people who have known me my entire life. So I did some digging online and found a information on the most gun restrictive and most pro gun states, as well as what appears to be the 2012 Electoral vote final results. With that information and others, I created my own proposed idea and I'd love to hear some feedback on what everyone else thinks.

According to the Bloomberg association, these are the results on a map for the most gun friendly and anti gun states in the country. Of course in his twisted mind, the anti gun states are the safest. Any of us who are not blind or dumb can tell that is not true just by watching all the horror shows on the news and where they are coming from.

My conclusion is this. We give the Blue states to the Socialist pigs and us true Americans keep the red states. The socialists can do as they wish with their states, leaving America alone. If they want to accept refugee's, good for them, they can use their own taxes from THEIR STATES alone to pay for the refugees. If they want to let in Illegals, well they can pay for them too out of their own taxes and leave the rest of our tax dollars alone. They don't want their citizens owning guns? Well, we will see how long you can go without having another mass shooting while those of us in the Red states are much safer at night. They want to give welfare to all the lazy sacks out there, pay for it out of your own pockets and leave our money alone. They can do whatever they want with their states and the rest of us will sit back and watch and laugh when they realize they screwed up!

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Republicans vs. Democrats, the fight for the 2A and other rights

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