dimanche 28 février 2016

What lice taught us

I attempted to post this yesterday but it never showed up. So if it does sorry for the double post.

Anyway, on February 17 we discovered that our daughter had contracted head lice and a trip to the pediatrician confirmed this. He recommended the typical OTC treatments, but they were only effective on the live lice and not the eggs. Luckily a friend of ours has been through this before and came over to help.

Her lice removal kit consisted of the following:

1. White gooey conditioner such as Pantene
2. Baking soda
3. A high quality steel lice comb specifically this one. http://ift.tt/1LOM8y9
4. Lots of paper towels.

In about two hours our daughter was lice and nit free without the need of any more chemical treatments and a follow up visit today confirmed this.

Not once did I nor my wife ever think of having lice removal supplies on hand as part of or preps. We do now and I would recommended that everyone have these supplies in their stock. Sometimes thing happen for a reason....

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What lice taught us

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