mercredi 24 février 2016

Sperm Sample

Seen this the other day.

A 71 year old man after his check-up as he was getting ready to leave the doctor come to him with a small bottle and told him he wanted a sperm sample from him. The Doctor said to take the bottle home and return in the morning with the sample. The next morning the man returned the bottle empty to the doctor, he asked why no sample? The old man said " Well I tried with my right hand then my left hand and no luck. Then my wife tried with both hands and then she tried using her mouth with her teeth in and then tried with them out ! We called our neighbor and asked her to help, she tried using both hands, tried it under her armpit and even tried it between her knees and still no luck " . The doctor was shocked and he asked the old man " You even asked your neighbor to help " The old man replied " Yes, what were we supposed to do ? we could not get the bottle open ".

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Sperm Sample

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