lundi 29 février 2016

Hello. I'm new

Hello. I'm new to this forum and sort of new to being prepared. I say sort of new, because I was in the Marine Corps for 6 years and always had a plan and a small gear list ready. With recent events, the current presidency, and the new presidential candidates, me and my wife felt it is definitely time to be more prepared.

I don't make much money so I'm slowly but surely getting a 3 day BoB together for my self to carry, and a smaller pack for my wife.

Being in South West Louisiana, and growing up here, I've hunted, fished, and hiked all the wooded areas with in, I'd say at least a 50 mile radius. I have spots, routes, and alternatives laid out already.

I joined this forum to get more ideas about how to pack a BoB, and to better prep my BoL. Also more ideas for extended stay in any bug out locations.

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Hello. I'm new

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