dimanche 24 juillet 2016

HELP! New rifle owner, diving in DEEP

Hello everyone,

This is my first post on this forum. I am a married father of 3 school age children living in beautiful northern Idaho.

I have long known that I need (and want) some good rifles, and a few weeks ago I realized that I was finally ready to take the plunge.

We already have some of the basic survival/home defense weapons: a 9mm Springfield XD, a Ruger P345, and a Remington 870. But we were severely lacking in the rifle category.

So here's what we've done so far:

We bought a brand new, very basic Ruger 10/22 carbine, along with a few thousand rounds for it. No scope yet, no other enhancements.

I went to Cabela's and ordered a Remington 700 SPS, chambered in .300 Win Mag. I have not picked it up yet since my job takes me out of town for extended periods, but I will be picking it up in a couple weeks. I also have a Leupold 3-9 scope waiting there with it which ran about $300, but I may want to swap that for something else based on feedback I may receive. I have a feeling I would need/want a higher magnification for that rifle, since I will be wanting the ability to shoot 500+ yards if necessary. Also i think I may want a higher quality scope. Money is not necessarily "no object," but I'm willing and able to spend what it takes to ensure quality and reliability. I've ordered 5 different 20 round boxes of 180 grain ammo from different manufacturers to begin testing once I pick up the rifle.

And for my "crowning achievement," I convinced the wife to let me buy a PWS MK116 Mod 2. That's shipping from out of state, and she will be picking it up for me next week. I've already ordered a set of Troy folding battle sights for it, but I know I will want a better optics system at some point, likely a red dot. I basically got those to ultimately serve as backups. Plus, I believe it's always better to train the most difficult way, that way you're always prepared for the worst.

So the reason I come to you fine folks is because I feel like I am getting in way over my head. I've literally spent hours every day for the last several weeks doing all sorts of research on this and that, what's good and what isn't, etc. My brain feels like it's going to explode!

Basically I'm looking for any and all advice anyone might have for me regarding any of these rifles. I'm not exactly a beginner when it comes to rifles (my dad took me shooting once every couple of years, and I did qualify as an "expert rifleman" in the Navy), but there is so much I didn't even know that I don't know... you know?

Advice on ammo selection, choices of optics, various accessories, training and tips and techniques, anything would be appreciated. And all of it from a "SHTF" perspective please, as that is really the primary purpose of me getting all of these rifles now. I wanted to get them while I still could, and I didn't anticipate my window would be staying open much longer.

My thinking was to have the .22 for teaching the kids on and for small varmints around the house, the AR for home/perimeter defense and general purpose, and the 700 for long-range shots and for hunting big game. Am I at least on the right track here? Keep in mind that I have never been hunting as an adult, and I really have no knowledge on how to begin to train for that. At this point it was all about ensuring I would at least have the ability to do so in the future. The next step is to actually learn how to do it.

Sorry for writing such a long post, and for being so vague in my requests for help, and for sounding like such a noob. I just don't really know where to begin as far as all the questions I have. I could probably start dozens of new threads with each individual question, but I figured this way would be easier.

Thanks for reading!

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HELP! New rifle owner, diving in DEEP

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