jeudi 21 juillet 2016

Very effective easy to DIY coin wrapper fire starter.

Inexpensive, small/compact, durable, large hot flame envelope, +/- 10 minute burn time & stores indefinitely.

Pulped 100% cotton worn out scrap towel (cotton balls/dryer lint will also work) & scrap candle wax. Place dried cotton pulp in a glass or metal pan & pat down about ½ inch thick. Melt & pour scrap candle wax over it until fairly saturated (but not solid wax). Allow cotton pulp & wax mixture to solidify.

Use paper coin wrappers as a container (cut to any length you want). Crimp one end of the coin wrapper closed, and use a hot glue gun to seal the end. Break off small chunks of the cotton pulp wax mixture, stuff a little at a time into the coin wrapper & tamp down hard with a dowel of similar item. Once loaded, close & crimp that end shut, and seal with the hot glue gun.

For use, hand tear or slice open with a knife & ignite with a small flame or Ferro rod sparks.

Cut open


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Very effective easy to DIY coin wrapper fire starter.

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