samedi 21 janvier 2017

Donald Trump's place in history

I've been alive a while and have seen a few memorial moments in time. I like to read and I believe I have a decent view of history and the turning points that live on for posterity.

My first observations are those that I've lived through. The JFK assassination and the three days that followed. The 1969 moon landing. 9-11. The Inauguration Of Donald J Trump. I voted twice for Reagan but I don't remember his inauguration. It could be that I was recently married and had other things on my plate. While that and time may play a role in recalling the events of that day this election and the swearing in of President Trump probably ranks in importance alongside that of Washington, Jackson, and Lincoln.

One reason I don't include Reagan is two fold; if I include Reagan then FDR and Wilson need to be included and JFK as well. At some point the rare jewel becomes common place and also I believe Trump shares historical moments with those three presidents.

The colonies and Washington decrying the abuses of an English federal government defeated the greatest nation on earth at the time. Trump on a similar platform defeated an equally powerful enemy with an unlimited war chest. Jackson destroyed the political system and the central bank of his time representing the people laying the framework for the founding of both the Democratic and Republican parties. The last time so many representatives skipped a presidential inauguration was Lincoln's and both instances involved blacks; Lincoln over slavery fears by whites and Trump's by blacks over emancipation of blacks.

I don't know how this election will be viewed by history or its contribution but of the others one created a nation, another created the two party system the third ended slavery.

In some ways I could include Reagan because in certain ways he was Trump's forerunner to Jackson's Lincoln's. Either way this election shaped and will shape American and world history for this century. Obama was given that mantle and he valued it not a mistake Trump will not make.

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Donald Trump's place in history

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