dimanche 22 janvier 2017

Goat Aliments and Treatments

I asked my Aunt if I could post her articles that she has had published in our goat assc. news letter, she said yes Goat lives matter!LOL A little back ground she started collage in the late 50's finishing in 62. in those days you had to be invited to Vet school and women we rarely invited, but she took most of the classes and learned what she could. She has raised goats for over 40 yrs and at one time had the best Jersey Dairy Herd in the state. So here goes, as I find her articles I will put them down here for your use or enjoyment. Since She nor I are Vets. this info is just info follow your vets medical advice.

Goat Polio: A Cause of Sudden Death

Sometimes the first indication of problems is a dead goat. Or perhaps a goat will withdraw to a corner, hiding, not eating, acting lethargic. She could be standing hunched or spraddle-legged with her head pulled back---nose up("star gazing"). She can have a lowered body temperature(less than 100 degrees) with dilated pupils.
These could mimic acute poisoning, sudden onset virus, tetanus(lockjaw) or entero-toxemia.
Treatment is simple and inexpensive. Inject thiamine(vitamin B12) and B complex, preferably also with dexamethasone (Dex reduces swelling in the brain and spinal column). Follow up with supportive therapy, mostly fluids, especially electrolytes, and moving her from side to side. Tube feed her if she will not drink. Recovery is usually rapid sometimes within hours.

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Goat Aliments and Treatments

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