lundi 16 janvier 2017

*** Ladies Section *** Reconciling Minimalism and Prepping

Well I know that there are probably threads on this forum already...but this is my personal journey and it is just beginning. I love the IDEA of minimalism, spareness, space and simplicity.

However, how in the world will I accomplish this with 1) a disabled husband with many medical devices and needs. 2) The need for backups in case of disaster or economic breakdown.

Most minimalists who blog, are high dollar people with great incomes, so in my opinion, can afford to live with 'only one quality kitchen knife'. My fear is that if it breaks or someone steals it, I will be without an essential knife. Soooo, I have a couple of backups. Where do I store them? How many is enough?

We live in a small house (Check One for the simpler lifestyle) but not much inside storage. A lot of the floor space is dedicated to passageways for my husband's wheelchair.

We have a carport but it has one side wide open, and prone to theft. People have already stolen a ladder and several other items, sometimes even while we were at home. Now we have game cameras up to at least identify the neighborhood culprits (trailer park and low income rentals nearby.) Also dragged two large wire mesh gates across the front. Not convenient for me to get in, but also keeps the 'others' out so far.

Food items are kept in a small pantry and in a tote in my clothes closet. Dry items such as TP and bandages are kept in the attic or carport on shelves. I am thinking to get a platform bed with just a mattress. Now we have our box spring and mattress on the floor so he can transfer directly from the wheelchair. Need a sturdy platform to deal with the stresses of a man transferring back and forth. THEN I'll be able to store canned goods underneath.

We live in a small well-built house (slab, one story) in a not-so-good neighborhood at the edge of a small city. About a block from a sluggish dirty creek, and farm country beyond. It's what we can afford. So, yes, we don't have big prepping budgets so this is an extra challenge.

Also have a small travel trailer, almost paid off, which I want to outfit as a BOV. So yes, I have a set of essentials there too.

Would appreciate ideas and discussion.

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*** Ladies Section *** Reconciling Minimalism and Prepping

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