samedi 21 janvier 2017

Need Advice On Mylar


Originally Posted by Lost Boy View Post
hey I tried to find this information on the sticky thread but couldn't find the info i'm after. can someone tell me how you know your mylar job is good enough? my rice is double mylar'd with oxygen and moisture absorbers, they shrunk a bit but there is still a little air in them. is this ok or do they need to be completely shrunken in around the rice so it becomes a brick?

id rather know now then later, any help would be greatly appreciated

Double bagging isn't necessary and might cause complications. Better instead is to shift to 7mil mylar instead.

It's tricky using desiccants and O2A's together as they need to be placed at opposite ends of the bag. Desiccants go in first. Then the food. Then the O2A's on top. The O2A's need the moisture short term to activate properly and later the desiccants can slowly remove any excess.

O2 is only 20% of air. Most of the air was already displaced by food. So the shrinkage is only 20% of the air leftover.

O2A's only shrink the bag a little bit. The rest is just inert gas.

In the shrinkage aspect you are fine. Since the shrinking happened it's clear the desiccants didn't interfere with the O2A's, so I say you are good there too.

I'm still kind of on the fence about your double bag business. I worry you only shrunk the outer bag, but the inner retained O2.

And no, you never want the brick business. It makes it harder to pack away and risks damaging the bag with pinholes.

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Need Advice On Mylar

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