jeudi 19 janvier 2017

Property purchase - open land or cover around the house?

The Waco compound? Is that realistic?

Build a compound, with fields of fire, riflemen standing duty watching, the entire USMC logistics behind you to support your group being in condition red for a long time.

Are you a secret agent from some other country? Under what pre-conditions do you think that you will be selected out of all 300Million US citizens to be the one hunted? That is like some major lottery to win there. You are more likely to get hit by lightning, than to have your property surrounded by the man.

Waco happened. Ruby Ridge happened. I get it that these things do happen.

What scenarios are more likely to happen? Remember the Great Depression. The banks locked their doors, refused to allow you to access your savings. Then after a year the banks began foreclosing on mortgages. You could not access your savings, and they wanted payment on your mortgage. So the sheriff came around to serve you an eviction notice. They only did one foreclosure at a time. Otherwise entire communities would burn the banks down. One family was evicted at a time. One farm house went on auction at a time.

There were a few shoot outs. But the banks tried to keep to rolling smoothly.

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Property purchase - open land or cover around the house?

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