dimanche 30 septembre 2018

Are women really equal to men?

Men and women are very far from equal and that's in our biology, not some social construct.
Also, women are not considered in our society to be less than men, they are held in regard far higher than men. We put our women on a pedestal, we do all the hard work, provide them with a home to do the things with and for our family that we lack the capacity to do.
Both sexes have strengths and weaknesses and are supposed to compliment each other when we select a mate.

Truth is the only reason women do well in careers today is because of the industrial revolution, women we physically and emotionally incapable of doing the work men had to do before the industrial revolution. To this day there are jobs where women are extremely absent, not because companies won't hire them but because they won't apply for them. Those jobs still need to be done so men fill the roles in the absence of women, so it's okay for men to work the deadly jobs, we don't want those, but you have to accommodate me in this other job.

For a reality check for the feminazis, the Williams sisters are considered world class athletes, but are they? They're world class female athletes, but not world class in general.
They themselves said they're world class and can beat any male tennis player outside of the top 200, that doesn't sound world class to me. In fact a male tennis player agreed to take their challenge. He played a round of golf, drinking beers while he played, then the same day played and beat both Williams sisters. I think he was ranked just inside the top 200.

We need the dynamic of men and women complimenting each other and the attack on the patriarchy is as much responsible for the problems in our society as any other problem today.

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Are women really equal to men?

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