dimanche 23 septembre 2018

Reactions to #MeToo, feminism, Brett K. accusations?

For quite some time now, the changing cultural landscape of America has put many men in a mode of caution and some unfortunate others out of work/college/etc., and in some cases, put them in prison.

Whether it's guilt-tripping from feminist women accusing men of insensitivity or thousands of dollars spent in legal fees to protect themselves from rape accusations to lost years and life experiences in college or work or even prison sentences (all of these stemming from false accusations of sex crimes), many men have now suffered great injustice thanks to dishonest, evil, selfish, and immoral women.

I have read some posts her on the Kavanaugh nomination thread over in Politics. If I recall, one poster said he now uses his dash camera to record every interaction with women who happen to get rides from him.

I personally believe many men will not marry now because they're sick and tired of how women act - with so many (such as the Duke Lacrosse and the utterly mendacious Emma Sulkowicz from Columbia University) liars out there.

And this will affect the many good women who would never do something so egregious as to accuse a man falsely.

What have you seen around you? In your workplace or your churches or your social circles or your own interaction with current female friends and acquaintances?

For me personally, I've historically been (or tried to be) empathetic towards women. I know many women have been truly and without lies, harmed by men. I was taught to be chivalrous. And thankfully the majority of women I interact with don't have these types of crazies in their ranks.

That said, I've experienced being "tagged" as insensitive to women in a previous social circle (something that was unfair but admittedly nothing compared to what Brett Kavanaugh or the Duke Lacrosse players faced). Since then, I have noticed a lessening of my sympathy towards women. I'm largely still a gentleman, but when I see these fake news which victimize men, I get angry in a way it did not happen 10 or 20 years ago. I have seen way too many women abuse their "fair sex" status to harm men through lies and I now do not have as much sympathy towards women. I still believe in chivalry, but I am sometimes wary around them.

Oh, and I hate radical feminism with a passion.

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Reactions to #MeToo, feminism, Brett K. accusations?

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