samedi 29 septembre 2018

September 29th: President Trump Holds Massive Rally Tonight in West Virginia

The walk away movement is thriving thanks to how out of control the left is behaving. There is no logic, only emotional outbursts and virtue signaling. They act like they're in revolt because they care but it's clear they care about nothing but their agenda, which Trump has taken apart one piece at a time.

Just the idea of everyone saying Ford should be believed is ****ing people off. So we're not supposed to look at facts, track record or behavior, just blindly believe any accusation by a woman against any man? They're saying the woman should be believed with no regard for the person being accused. It's not just ****ing of men, any woman with a son, husband father or uncle should be just as disturbed.

I love the fact they're losing their ****, I believe it will make 2020 a lead pipe cinch.

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September 29th: President Trump Holds Massive Rally Tonight in West Virginia

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