vendredi 28 septembre 2018

Corey booker must resign asap

Booker openly admitted to groping a woman just a few years back. When will his Ethics committee review begin ? This is a low life anti American Maoist that pontificated and virtue signaled incessantly during the Kav proceedings. The Right needs to start calling these people out, flash mobbing them in restaurantsand protest outside their Congressional offices. No more taking the high rode. Taking the high rode emboldens this trash. They are frontrunners but they wilt when they run into Folks that push back and spit in their cowardly faces.

Booker has designs on running in 2020. Hence all his horribly staged theatrics during the Kav hearings.

Time to grow a pair on the Right and start giving these scum a taste of their own medicine.

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Corey booker must resign asap

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