jeudi 27 septembre 2018

New Home/Land Purchase is Crawling with Deer

So I upgraded from under 2 acres to 6.5 acres......and to make a long story short I have deer rolling around in my back yard and snoozing on the lawn laying on their sides in the middle of the day like dogs. They allow me to get as close as 10 yards or so before they take off. They come right out of the wooded area and hang out in the yard even with 6 or more construction guys running around working driving in and out of the driveway etc...

I was walking through a wooded area of my lot blabbing on the phone today and spooked 2 fawns who only ran a few feet before stopping.... The mother doe just stood there about 10 yards away and did nothing!

So here is the weird part......

I have found 3 folding tree stands and one wooden one in my woods. I also found a Remington game cam and........ A full sized deer skull with a nice 8 point spread on it..... A very HEALTHY 8 point spread, bigger than most 10's I have seen for sure.

The tree stands look to be in good shape but have been there a while because the trees they are in are literally growing over the metal....... I have only seen a single spike buck in the 3 weeks here and that's it for males.... All the rest have been does and fawns.

My question is why are these deer not scared to death of humans if someone has been so obviously hunting them? Keep in mind that this is in the middle of the suburbs of Pennsylvania.... I'm a ten min drive to a large city.

In any case I figure they could be an awesome resource if SHTF right?

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New Home/Land Purchase is Crawling with Deer

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