lundi 24 septembre 2018

Desperate Democrats, how should conservatives respond?

As we have seen in the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, democrats are very willing to go to any length to stop the conservative wave and success we have experienced in the past few years including obvious false witnesses and every dirty trick in the book.

The enemies of liberalism are appearing across the nation. Unemployment at all-time low, Wall Street soaring, 410k's growth exploding, black unemployment at record lows, North Korea and on and on. All the things liberals hate <successful people not needing government>.

The Scoreboard:

White House........Republican
The House...........Republican
The Senate..........Republican
Governors...........33 Republican
SCOTUS..............Soon to be solid conservative
(Dems are down to a measly 16 governors and (1)independent.

The Democrats aren't without powerful allies. Nearly the entire media hammers daily against the President, his successful agenda along his supporters. Democrats also control lefty Hollywood, late night talk shows along with TV shows like the view spewing lies and distortions daily. And of course the treasonous deep-state.

Personally I'm sick and tired of the party that controls nearly NOTHING that requires a vote yet seemingly manipulates US laws, rules and ethics on a daily basis.

We've gone from the completely ridiculous and never ending "Russia Investigation" that only requires either a small child or a partisan hack to believe.

As conservatives, how to we fight the left. How do we respond?

-Sit back and just watch this and keep voting?
-Become bolder and louder?


Let's block ads! (Why?)

Desperate Democrats, how should conservatives respond?

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