lundi 24 septembre 2018

How long before they shut down sites like this.

Clearly, any form of alternative thought gets the censorship idjts going full steam ahead in outright collusion. Google, Facebook, Twitter, iTunes, Spotify etc.

Sites like this are absolutely at risk, with the "excuse" that "It's absolutely within Twitter's rights to ban" etc.

Unfortunately, "the internet" and the various big name services are simply UTILITIES, and therefore, need to be very careful about censorship and bans.

A very high standard must exist before a ban takes place. Examples include isis recruitment videos, and anything improperly involving children.

But something as nebulous as "hate speach" (intentionally mispelllled) is incredibly subjective. There are things I hate, and I demand my right to express these things, without censorship. That's called "free speech" and it's worth fighting for.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

How long before they shut down sites like this.

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