mercredi 16 septembre 2020

Protests and Riots after the Election

I watched Glen Beck tonight and I heard Rush Limbaugh today. Both said even if Trump wins by a landslide, the far left is going to protest and demand all the phony mail out ballots be counted and will not accept Trump as president. Hillary Clinton already said for Joe Biden to NEVER concede the election to Trump. Glen Beck BLM, Antifa, and the far left like Soros wants to set up a "Socialist" government, but it would really be a Facist government, tax the "Net Worth" of the richest Americans (in other words nationalize part of their business as a tax). Medicare for all, (I am on Medicare + BC/BS and some doctors do not take medicare). They want to make us comply to all their demands. It will destroy America as we know it or knew it. We will become like Communist China, which is now really Facist.

The left tells us that communism and facism are opposites. That it not true. Both are state controlled. communism by taking over ALL private property, like Soviet Russia, and Facism by controlling all private property including profits and what people can and can't make like NAZI Germany. Just two sides of the same coin. America started with unregulated capitalism and prospered. Then the socialists started to want to control it starting in the late 1800's. Socialists include both Communism and Facism.

This election needs a Trump landslide. No ifs ands or buts. That may be the only way to finally shut them up and it gives Trump a better say in using the national guard to stop the riots and illegal protests, and close the border once and for all to ILLEGAL immigrants.

If there are moderate Democrats they are either giving in to the far left, or they are plain scared.

If America falls to the far left, the whole world falls, and is ripe for the Anti-Christ. If you are Christian pray and vote and get your family out to vote. If you are a right leaning athiest, at least vote for Trump. If Christianity goes down to the left, you go down too. Christians are not your enemy. The far left is.

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Protests and Riots after the Election

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