mardi 22 septembre 2020

Soros' pro criminal elections funding

Soros leftist defenders cry "right wing conspiracy theory" when his name is brought up as a political manipulator though he leaves a clear monetary trail in support of criminal friendly prosecutor, LEO and activist causes.

Soros Aims to Transform the Justice System By Funding DA races


Since 2015, he has spent more than $17 million on district attorney and other local races in swing states such as Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Arizona, but also in large, predominantly left-of-center states such as California and New York. In 2016, Soros dropped $2,000,000 into a single sheriff race in Maricopa County, Arizona, helping progressive candidate Paul Penzone win the election with ease over longtime incumbent Joe Arpaio. He has given millions of dollars in grants to candidates in several other counties as well.

These huge contributions often make it almost impossible for the other candidates to compete because district attorney elections are on such a small scale and the campaigns typically do not need to raise millions to run local ads and mobilize voters. Constituents are swamped with propaganda, and the opposing conservative candidates are victims of unfair character assassinations, such as defaming them as racists and white supremacists.

Soros’s Open Society Foundations contributed $50 million toward the [ACLU] Campaign to End Mass Incarceration, which is a part of their wider Smart Justice campaign.

The ACLU stated its intention to reform criminal justice policies at the state level in order to cut this number [of incarcerated] in half by 2020.

George Soros is indeed an enabler of U.S. street violence


In the 2018-2019 election cycle, Soros spent more than $2 million on three commonwealth’s attorney races in Northern Virginia. As The Daily Signal wrote it up: “Radical social justice activists will serve as the top prosecutors for three major Washington, D.C., suburbs ...after George Soros’ political action committee poured $2.1 million into ordinarily sleepy local races.”

“George Soros wading into the Delco District Attorney race shows problematic influence,” Christine Flowers of The Philadelphia Inquirer wrote in November 2019.
Why is this problematic?
Flowers nailed it. Soros, she wrote, has “no connection to the Philadelphia area,” yet “tried to manipulate” the local political machine to his will with $1 million “to get a Delco Democrat elected.”

More details of specific elections from a 2016 Washington Times article.

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Soros' pro criminal elections funding

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