mardi 23 février 2016

Biomass/rocket Cookstove cook a meal with just a handfull of sticks

I also posted this in the Disaster Preparedness forum, but thinking it may be better to go in here.

I just recently started looking at these, "I have built rocket stove heaters in the past" and was thinking this is a must have for a SHTF or off grid even a bug out situation possibly. If you have no power or no gas/little resources these are perfect for cooking with they solve a lot of problems.

Once started they give off basically no smoke
They burn just about anything dry you can use sticks twigs, dry animal droppings, pinecones etc.
They take very little "fuel" to cook with
There relatively small and lightweight

I was going to build one and then I found this stovetec model on sale for 80 dollars and it includes a pot skirt "skirt that attaches to your pot to force the heat up and around the sides of your pot to boil water, cook stews etc faster" all the other reputable companies that sell them charge an extra 10-20 dollars for that piece, so I ended up ordering it and did a video testing it out.

Overall I was very impressed, its not perfect but for 80 bucks I think it's a great option especially if your not handy at all. I still plan to build one with a few different features or modify this one a little to meet my needs better or do both. They do make another model that has 2 doors I did not like that one because the ceramic in the bottom area on the sides is exposed so if it cracks/breaks the stove could disintegrate inside, where as this one has metal all the way down the inside sides so even if the ceramic breaks it has no where to go and should still work just fine.

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Biomass/rocket Cookstove cook a meal with just a handfull of sticks

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