dimanche 21 février 2016

Homestead income, bees, fruit trees, scale, other musings.

This is mostly for me to work through.
(Contributions welcome)

I have bees, I like bees.

I grew up berry picking and like fruit.
I'm about to get a selection from Starks to add to what I've got.

My elephant ear garlic is coming along (several years now) and other perennials so that soon I should have enough for my needs. (Original goal)

I'm expanding my garden in other areas, probably going to do beans and add other herbs.

I have no aspirations of being a farmer, for most things I only want a "kitchen garden" but I'm trying to decide on scale with bees, fruit and nuts. (Low demand, but long term)

I have realized to keep the 2 hives I want I need to strive for 4-6.
I've noticed there's a HUGE demand for raw honey.

I've also started develope relationships with a couple "neighbors" one of whom is trying to start a "fruitstand" type business.
The 3 households are going to cooperate sharing labor and resources. (I could supply their market if I decided to increase my scale.)

So that's what I'm trying to decide.
While i dont want to farm or a fulltime income I wouldn't object to a few extra grand in addition to reducing my overhead. Built in "food producers" could also be "useful"

Bees and fruit/nut trees (I have no intention of "gardening" more than for my own needs. Rabbits and poultry and the fish I've already established. Looks like my pig/pork needs will be able to run with the neighbors.) Are low labor crops, and I need to plan years in advance for both. (Sorry, I know this is disjointed, it's more a collection ton of thoughts than a post)

What to do...
4-6 hives, or 12-15?
Fruits and nuts... the 3-4 per type, or....

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Homestead income, bees, fruit trees, scale, other musings.

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