dimanche 21 février 2016

Just use the search button!

I can't tell you how many times I have read this. And I'm not saying that, said in the right spirit, it doesn't have merit. But let's be frank. There is basically not one topic that hasn't been covered before? Is there? On a board like this, that has been around for years? With experienced and practiced survivalists / people who prepare? How about this: Maybe the moderators can just turn the entire board into an archive. Everyone can just use the search function and get all the information they need. After all, it's all been covered. No need to accept new threads, or have new posts. It's all been covered.

Or perhaps:

There are new people who join the board and just might have something to add to a topic that has been discussed multiple times before.

Or maybe, it's just as easy, if your time is better spent elsewhere than responding to the 8000th post about BOB's, that you could just NOT OPEN THAT THREAD! Just ignore it! And just let those who wish to respond to it do so, and just choose not to participate since it is a waste of your time.

Or maybe, consider that the long term well being of a board such as this is reliant on new comers and new blood, much of whom don't know as much and haven't been at this nearly as long as some of us.

I can assure you that as old as it get's seeing similar threads being posted, it is equally tiresome reading, "use the search button," when not said in a spirit of trying to be helpful, but instead said in a spirit of being irritated that someone dare post a topic that has been discussed "ad nauseam."

Quite sure this won't be a popular post, but I don't spend a lot of time worrying about that.

Just some candid "survival food" for thought.

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Just use the search button!

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