mardi 23 février 2016

**Ladies Section** Rant: Social Security and Older Women

Women who were born, "back in the day", had fewer life choices, and most made little money, even when they had a "real" job.

However, we worked very hard. People didn't eat in restaurants, there was no fast food or pizza delivery, and all of the electronics and appliances helpers we have now weren't there.

I worked at a lower wage job while my husband attended a prestigious college and got an engineering degree. He often entertained for business as time went on, and I was always shopping or planning a dinner, or cleaning the dang kitchen while the kids ran between my feet. Houses were kept clean, and cleaning was constant. Damn makeup and stupid clothes, and playing June Cleaver.

I worked as hard as he did, or harder.

He built up maximum Social Security. I did not. He did well from his degree; with no fancy education, I did not. I was his unpaid helper. He opened a business, and I ran the office. Free, of course. Dummy me.

My Social Security is $834.00. His is $2600.00, and the younger woman he married gets nearly the same. She was attending college while I attended to him. They live on $5000.00, I live on $834.00. This is also true for widows. The man dies, the decent Social Security check is gone.

I have found a way to squeak by, just by luck. Other elderly women have not!

Hundreds of thousands of elderly ladies have no place to live in the high rental market formed by mortgage losses.

In the past, a woman on low Social Security could obtain housing at a reduced price housing authority building (Reagan built MANY of them). Now, most have waiting lists many years long, and are having severe stress from immigration.

There is a new homeless population. They used to be middle class, and they are secretive and ashamed. They are unimportant, and their work wasn't important to society.

It's just so unfair. We think women are now equal, but a look at the way elderly women are treated by Social Security law shows it ain't so.

Thank you for listening, dears. I was just thinking about this, and it just makes me so mad. /rant

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**Ladies Section** Rant: Social Security and Older Women

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