dimanche 7 février 2016

survival scenario: divorced

Its amusing in a way...all the preps I used to make , and being taken out through growing older and my ex-wife loosing her sanity. I mean loosing it for real. Her low self esteem and other issues has caused her to marry a street thug, criminal history and all. Multiple dwi, poaching, assault, contempt, you name it. She married him like two days before a court hearing regarding whether or not they were violating a no contact order being broken , and his presence around my son. They were, but I couldn't prove.

So now she wants any discussion about our son to go through him, custody arrangements, etc during snow storms...when the school is closed. She wants this so he can try to be a bully and launch insults and deal in my direction....without a shred of reasonableness. Uhhhhh.....no... they also want to dictate where son will go to school, without me having a say.....uhhh...no again. So I've rounded up three grand and re-enlisted a lawyer. In addition to that, I have a new job, but it's very challenging and I'm not a software engineer. Tremendous amount of sql programming involved, and I'm on very thin ice I think, as I've made some mistakes. The stress from the personal life doesn't help. I carry a pistol , pepper spray, and an asp when I leave and return. I fully expect Mr.mma thug will show up once they are hit with new court papers. They sent a ton of nasty and aggressive, vile, vulgar txt messages my way when I was trying to be reasonable. The judge will not look favorably on those.

But all this is wearing on me.. I've been sick for over a week, and I don't sleep well at all. I was diagnosed with divorce related ptsd two years ago. We don't even want to get into where I've stored a Lot of my survival related items, but I also worry about them constantly. I can't keep them here in this small apt, I'm worried that scumbag will break in when I'm not here, and I have joint custody of the 4 year old,...so they are kept offsite...I wish I could elaborate but not a good idea.... so yes, I anticipated a shtf,and I got one.. I'm not as physically or mentally strong as I once was, and all this continues to take a toll on me. I'm also alone here, no family in Virginia, it was a mistake to move here with wacko woman about 9 years ago now.

So yeah, TSHTF, but not in the way I expected, or with a social order breakdown. Its just my personal world that's shattered. I'm getting very very tired of going it alone too.3 years now of this..,,three years....

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survival scenario: divorced

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