samedi 20 février 2016

Went for a drive in the country today

Was interesting.

Drove the back roads for hours.

The thing I noticed was fencing and gates. Where used to be short poles and a single strand of wire with the occasional strip of fluttering colorful ribbon, there are now four stranded bob wire sturdy fencing with very impressive gates on the driveways.

And you cannot see new built houses. They are behind the locked gates and around a curve, beyond a ridge. Not on the street. And people are building reservoirs and adding irrigation ditches through the pastures.

My first thought was that people are finally getting a clue. And a lot probably are. But then I saw house after house. Many with a good amount of acreage. For sale.

For sale?

In the country with that setup?

I'm thinking that if they're moving into the city then they really don't have a clue after all.

How is your community changing?

Or is it not changing at all?

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Went for a drive in the country today

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