mardi 28 juin 2016

BREXIT and Global Financial Reordering

The BREXIT-- was it truly a surprise? Or a planned event?

Regardless, what does this mean for Europe? In my personal opinion the Brexit is not "over," but merely the beginning of a series of events. There are a lot of ways this can go... a domino effect where other states begin to hold their own referendums...or maybe they all try to stick together but Germany simply is no longer able to prop up all the other bankrupt economies in the E.U. by itself... and massive defaults ensue?

No matter how it goes, from my research I believe that this is the beginning of the end of the European Union. If the EU falls apart, what are the implications? Specifically, financial and geographical.

I have my thoughts and opinions on the matter, but I want to engage you guys. So how will the global financial order change because of this? How much will the world map change? And how extensive will that change be?

Let's hash it out, I think this one is really worth the time.

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BREXIT and Global Financial Reordering

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