jeudi 30 juin 2016

New problem to worry about/plan for.

Peppers dig in for long term disaster. Prepping incorporates most of the aspects of general survival ---- weapons, security , ect. A pure survivalist prepares for short term situations,generally speaking, stocking supplies in bug out or bug in locations. Most survivalists seem like they are basing survival on their stockpile of weapons and ammo.

In the area where I am building my refuge there are a couple of place, rural land with cabins I know belong to survivalists. I have met them and will say they are definitely well armed individualists. They come to their property the fire their weapons and do imorovements..

The individuals i spoke to, there are several members in each group, all seem to have very aggressive attitudes. My ppotential worry is that in a long term situation they run out of their supplies and turn into well armed predators. There are preps I can make to deal with such a situation, expensive, but I see no other route.

I feel like this up coming election will be a watershed moment and no matter who wins disaster will be the out come. Racing against time and time is getting short.

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New problem to worry about/plan for.

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