dimanche 26 juin 2016

For men only

Losing hair A real bummer

Loosing hair is something a lot of us , young and old , have to deal with .
I've been thinning slowly since my early 40s . I'm 65 now . Didn't bother me much but lately I've been losing a lot . Old age I guess .
At 65 my hair is still the same color it was in my 20's . Just my beard and sideburns have some grey . I'm still in pretty good shape too . Good genes I guess .
People are always telling me how young I look . Some say I look like I'm in my late 40's . I have to admit I really like that and it makes me feel young . Looking and feeling young has gotten me some much younger women too . Lucky me
The baldness is making me look my age and I don't like it !
I've started doing the comb over and wearing hats a lot . I know it's kind of ridiculous especially for an old guy like me . I know I should just man up and accept the baldness but I guess I'm trying to hang onto my youth as long as possible .

Wasn't sure I should post this because it probably makes me out to be a vain jackass but whatever . I probably am a vain jackass

I don't want to use Rogaine or anything like it . Wondering if anyone knows of or is using any natural products that will at least slow down the hair loss .

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For men only

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