vendredi 24 juin 2016

Vietnam Vet & MoH winner's story ...

Nice job finding that!! My PIL was 3-6 USMC '63-'64. He was an S2 Scout. Lots of memories of him from that read.
He died in 2008 from AO induced Cancer. He rarely talked about his tours, only with me and a select few.
I learned a lot, saw his soul, and respected his privacy. When he wanted to talk, I listened. He was my Buddy, my fishin buddy, my huntin buddy and my mentor. He taught me how to raise girls, love my wife, and live a solid life. He earned at least 3 Purple Hearts and Bronze Star, possibly a Silver Star, his records show many citations, but his shadow box is much more subdued(at his request). We are working to get him into the local hall of heroes. That, he was, truly one of the real heroes here and there. He shaped lives as a baseball coach, fire chief, father, husband, father-in-law and friend.
I cry as I wrote this, those guys didn't get a thanks, so each one I meet, I shake their hand(usually a hug too) and a "thank you and welcome home brother"!

I often sit and remember the stories of his time there, he was on the DMZ when he took his last hit. 1000 rocket rounds a day, raining AO, and it was his turn to stand up in the foxhole. His three buddies didn't make it out that day. He carried that until his last breath. I saw the hurt, anger, pain, fear, bravery and love in him. He couldn't see it some days. I tried to help him see it, on the bad days. His PTSD was a demon that he owned, that is how he survived for the years after the war.
He was a tough ass Jar Head! He was one hellofaman in more ways than one can describe.
We had a friend take photos at his funeral, as she was respectful and loved him like a father. Her pics are truly amazing, and captured one of my worst days, yet best days as a daddy. I was helping my eldest daughter release her balloon for him, and holding her in my Class A dress uniform, with the most tearful broken-hearted look on my face, yet you could also see resolve and fight, to help my baby girl!

To those of you who served in that Godawful and Horrid time and place, my head is bowed and my hat is tipped. To each of you, I offer a simple "Thank you and welcome home brother!"


The old guy

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Vietnam Vet & MoH winner's story ...

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