samedi 23 juillet 2016

How to buy/use calipers?

Better late than never,the last 2 years I've been trying to learn/improve my mechanical skills.

Right now,I'm faced with having to find out the shaft diameter of a compressor motor.I'm thinking just a cheap,basic one for now digital read out would be a bonus for these old eyes.
I can also see using it for sorting thru that box of loose drill bits.Also finding the ID/OD of pipes and hoses.
I'm guess they read in both metric and sae?
There are probably questions I don't even know to ask.

So any comments or suggestions to get me started will be welcomed.
Don't think I need to measure to the billionth of an inch yet,maybe down to 1/64??I don't know.
Hoping something under 20$-is that realistic to start?

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How to buy/use calipers?

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