lundi 23 janvier 2017

Hi from Belgium

DefaultHi from Belgium

Hello, I'm 60, former military, hunter, fisherman and very preoccupied by survival techniques. I hope to learn a lot of you guys, keeping in mind that my country is one of the most restrictive about gun owning, self-defence and so on... .
The only ones who are fully protected are the vilains. If someone breaks in into your house and you dare to hurt him, you're facing emprisonnement and a great amount of lost money for the vilain to recover from the stress you gave him. That's what they call liberty and freedom in Belgium.
As you can see, nice country to raise children in a protective way. Even a pepperspray is illegal and gets you some time behind bars. Also we have a great amount of criminal muslims with - of course- full protection from the government. Everybody knows we Belgians are extremely racist, so those poor "bad guys" must be protected at all costs.
I am very eager and happy to become a member and to share your knowledge. Thanks for the good work.

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Hi from Belgium

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