lundi 23 janvier 2017

Trump signs order pledging to re-negotiate NAFTA, pull out of the TPP

Executive order to re-negotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement:

He also intends to sign an order announcing the intention to withdraw from the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement.

Of course---there's all the usual wailing from the globalists. The usual propaganda against tariffs, controlling borders, etc.

But as one of the commentators on the article puts it: "The U.S. has a negative balance of trade with 90% of the countries in these agreements. So how can things get any worse if we pull out?"

I usually find the comments to these articles more informative and indicative of what Joe Public is thinking, then what the reporter is trying to say.

Last edited by zooeyhll; Today at 09:41 AM.. Reason: added picture

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Trump signs order pledging to re-negotiate NAFTA, pull out of the TPP

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