samedi 21 janvier 2017

What Ending Free Trade With China Could Mean

How does a government keep its people pacified? Work them. Work them 10 and 12 hours a day. Let them earn enough to buy a home, buy a car, have a family and take a rare vacation.

In other words, like what China is doing to its factory workers.

Let's say Trump holds true to ending free trade. American based companies are forced to bring their factories and jobs back to the United States. This means a downturn in the economy of China.

As we have seen in the past, communism does not foster innovation. Capitalism fosters innovation.

China has been relying on United States companies for innovation and jobs. Without those jobs, factories close and massive amounts of people are let go.

Then what happens? Civil unrest.

China will need something to keep their people focused on Chinese nationalism.

How does any nation create a sense of nationalism?

They start a war. They point the finger at someone, say they are the enemy and start a war.

Ghost Cities

Have any of you read about the Chinese ghost cities? These are entire cities where nobody lives.

It has been speculated that the ghost cities were built to shore up the Chinese economy. The Chinese government spent an known amount of money building these cities with the single goal of creating jobs.

I speculate China built the cities in anticipation of having to relocate millions of people.

Limited Nuclear War

Let's say a couple of Chinese cities are destroyed, where would millions of people go? Well, they just "happen" to have several ghost cities built ready.

Let's say a couple of United States cities are destroyed, where would millions of people go? They have nowhere to go.

China closes the old cities off, turns them into a no go zone and everybody has a place to stay.

United States is a whole different situation. We thought relocating a few neighborhoods out of New Orleans was bad after Katrina? Relocate New York, Dallas, Houston and Washington D.C.

Who is the winner

In the long run, China is the winner from a limited nuclear strike. Everyone who needs to be relocated has housing waiting on them.

The United States has no such ability to relocate millions, nor can we afford to rebuild.

How do you rebuild a city that took centuries to build? New York city was founded in the 1600s. How do we rebuild a city that has taken 400 years to build?


I hope I am wrong.

However, without innovation from the United States, China has no way to compete on the global market.

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What Ending Free Trade With China Could Mean

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