Backstory: Have an excellent 'BOL', not yet Living there (frustratingly as Extricating ourselves from Hell Angeles (with Family / my Biz HQ'd here, etc) is easier said than done.. But.. we're working on it..
) very remote, Very difficult to even Get to (and, in Winter, even More-so..) and reasonably-well defensible, etc, etc - BUT -
...Since we're not able to Be there, full time, yet, 'stashing / storing stuff there, is a challenge, and there's really no Practical way to 'monitor' what's going on, from down here (cel-service is pretty-much Nonexistant in our - exact - location (which is a Good thing, imo..) and trying something wakky, like Satellite / Microwave internet service, to 'stream video', would be Rediculously cost-prohibitive.. Aaand we don't have (yet..) anyone that Can actually stay there, full time, to 'keep watch', etc.. If it's 'so remote', then What's the 'worry'?
..Well, though there are No 'full-size homes' / really anything of 'neighbors' for a Minimum of about 5-6 miles, there Are a few plots of land (presumably Owned..), within about 2 miles, that seem to have something of 'transient evidence' that Humans have, and Do, at some-point during the year, Occupy said-premises for (???) purpose..
..And, in my mind, 'Best Practices' dictates that we Presume they could be (..or could Become..) a 'threat', to anything we might Store, up there.. (ie: Might just be someone's innocuous little camping-spot / tiny hunting cabin, etc - Or - could be some 'tweeker base', and we all know Their reputation Is-such, for good-reason..
..Anyway, prudence dictates I 'assume the Worst', so to Me, that rules out Sea containers, since a) Locks? Pfff, hahaha, and b) even if we 'weld 'em shut', well.. Since there's no one Around to discourage it, a would-be raider would have Plenty of time to use a torch / cut / open, etc.. Yeah, 'difficult task', but to me, Too much risk... And, or course, Any 'building' / storage-shed, etc would only suffer a much Quicker fate.. So, we've settled on Burial, for 'transitional' LTS.. (..True LTS, later, will be in a proper Concrete 'cellar', etc, but.. This is - for now / interim / transient Plan..)
..So, the Design Plan, centers around Pelican 1660's, specifically, ie: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/X60AA...F3/s-l1600.jpg ..Reasons being:
- Genuinely Watertight / Evacuatable, practically Bulletproof, and just all-around Practical (great as makeshift Tables / chairs / work-surfaces, etc, even an elevate Bed, lining a couple-up / topping with some foam, etc..) Besides being perfect, sealed-storage Above ground (anti-bear, etc)..
..And that Size, specifically, allows for an Ample amount of storage (we can keep a Full Month+ of 'raw' (canned meats / vegs / pastas / seasoning / rice, etc) food-stores, in Each Case, and yet they are still manageable to carry / 'extension-ladder rickshaw', etc.. Much smaller a-case, and it gets hard to Fit a Months-worth In... and much Bigger, they become too unwieldy (once you get past 125-130#s or so.. Not much fun..)
..So, the 'Plan' is: Dig 3x 'Pits', in strategically-located (areas with best tree / foliage-surrounds..) spots on the Property, large enough to fit a total of 6x of these 1660's, in Each - 3x long, 2x wide, all 'standing Vertical' (for handle-access..) - and with a Min of 6" 'surround', all around the Perimeter, and Underneath ('floor' / base of the pit..) - which will be filled with Sand -
..Then, In-between, with sheets of 4' x 8' x 3/4" PT-flake (was also thinking of using 'Wonderboard' / concrete-board, but.. Still vacillating on that, yet..) build-out 'Cells' - Think of like making a giant 'Wine-case Insert', where you simply Cut opposing, appropriate-thickness 'slots' in each sheet / flip, and 'nest' into each other, creating quite a stable, interlocking 'cell' - which will be Sized to allow for a 2" 'surround' (...for more Sand...) around each Case. This further 'insulates', and aids with extraction..
...Each case will also be 'sealed' in 55 gal super-HD plastic-bags (like 'industrial-grade' trash bags..) just for an Extra-layer.. And, finally, they will each have a 'vinyl-clad steel-cable' wrapped, around, thru the end-handles, with ends, up-top, to aid with winch-extrication / re-seating, later..
..Then, up-Top, they will be Buried with at Least 4" of Sand, and then 'forest- cover' will be put back Over the top, to 'camo' each's whole Area..
..Rationale for the Sand 'surround', is, of course, a 'Thermal buffer' to reduce the possibility of a Hard-freeze (..though, even Though the Property is about 5500' el., and it Does Snow, sometimes fairly heavily in the Winter, where this is located, it Rarely hard-hard-freezes (or so I am told..) at least not like, say, Alaska ground-freeze.. Temps in the area, during Winter, typically are 30s - 40s (sometimes peaking in 50s) Daytime, and mid Teens / 20s, Nighttime - Rarely have I seen it dip to single-digits, and/or Below 0's, and If/when so, only a night / two, per Season..)
..Also, thinking that Sand should aid in drainage, when the ground becomes saturated (area Does get a healthy amount of Rainfall, across the Year, but especially during Winter..) vs, say, if we just used soil, even if mixed with 'forest-floor mix', or something like that, which would likely end up creating a giant 'concrete-block' of all our stuff.. And, finally, Sand-surrounds should aid in 'extraction' (vs soil..) when it's time to rotate / sack out, etc..
..And, while there Will be 'metal cans' (canned meat / #10 FD'd vegs, etc) hopefully, the Sand-surround (plus the *thick* layer of 'forest-crunch topping' we plan to put back on..) will be enough 'buffer' against anyone trying to peruse the grounds with Metal-detectors (..can't Imagine Why anyone would Do such in this uninhabited-area, but.. Again, trying to think of 'all wakky scenarios', here..
..Was initially also thinking of 'lining the Pits', with super-HD black landscaping plastic, before putting the 'Cell-structure' / Sand-surround in, but.. Now, not so sure the benefits of doing that (or, if that might create more Issues..) so.. Jury is out on that, in my mind..
..Yeah, this is All a 'Lot of PITA work' / Expense, but.. So is a year's worth of Food / Supplies for a Family, stashed at a currently un-occupied BOL, so.. And, yeah, it's a LOT of 'risk', leaving it there, but.. Far-less risk, in My mind, than trying to 'haul it All', at Once, if/when we have to 'bug out' (and even Worse, if it's Not just some 'regional-crisis' (ie: our area, where we live Now, gets burned-out, just like we've seen happen down in OC / Redding, et al - Ya don't have to be Near an actual Forest, for the NWO Cartel to get you with one of their neighborhood-clearing "wildfires", concrete and all.. ..but that's Another thread..) If it's a 'True Long-term EOTWAWKI'? Well, methinks even Trying to haul All our goods / resources in one shot = certain failure, so..
...And, (actual..) wildfires is Another good reason, imo, for 'Burial, vs Topside' LTS - and Surrounded by Sand - even whence we are Living on-property.. I think we'll - still - to some-degree, always have a 'buried-cache' - Food / Water-treatment stuff / Weapons/Ammo / clothes, etc, etc, even when we have a 'cellar', so that we've Always Got a - true - 'emergency stash'..
..Anyway, Sorry for the 'Moby ****' post but, wanted to be Thourough in explaining the Full-story / Plan / Rationales, etc. Too little / too much Sand? Plastic? Or no? Or, am I being Totally retarded / blind, here? Or, is this all a Solid Idea? Either way, please feel free to 'break my plan'... So we can Fix It..
Muchas Gracias a todos..
PS - Anyone wishing to 'Quote' this, to comment / criticize specific ideas - PLEASE - edit it Down - Don't just 're-quote the WHOLE freaking-post', so Others don't Have To scroll-thru / re-read Everything they Just Did, aight? ...Be Kind, Rewind..
Please Shoot Holes in Our Transient LTS Plan!
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