In my personal case--I now do almost all my billing and paying online over the Internet.
Email and texting have become the means for personal communication. Not only for me, but for almost everyone else.
Yet the Post Office---especially in the Postal Workers Unions, fight tooth and nail to keep the status quo. Opposing any efforts or initiatives for reform.
I live on an RFD route. Seriously--90% OR MORE of the things that arrive in my mailbox is junk mail. Catalogs, advertising, flyers for furniture store sales. I haven't sent a traditional letter with a stamp on it, in months.
I live in rural Nebraska. Every little town has it's post office. In my town of 400 people, we still have a post office. But it is hardly used. Yet they have a full-time postmaster, an assistant postmaster, 2 rural carriers, and 2 backup carriers. All earning unionized wages and eye-watering benefits.
I read the USPS lost $5 billion last year.
I think the Postal Service should be entirely privatized. There is no need, in this day and age, for a legally required monopoly (the USPS---BY LAW--has exclusive right to deliver mail. Private companies not allowed!)
Even that bastion of paternalistic govt. socialism called Europe has gone down the path of privatization. Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Germany have privatized their postal systems. (That's what DHL is---the privatized German postal service).
What do others think? Thoughts? Opinions?
Last edited by zooeyhll; Today at 11:05 AM..
Should the U.S. Postal Service be privatized?
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