dimanche 28 septembre 2014

Do you or someone you know have ED?

I am not only a wife but a nurse, so this is why I am writing this.

We found out in May that Hubby has NO arterial circulation to the right side of his brain, over time the brain made more blood vessels (collateral circulation) and along with the circle of Willis, the arteries on the left side of his brain are supplying all the blood to his brain. He is also diabetic.

The Dr. told him not to take any Viagra type meds. Urologist gave him samples of a new drug (to us anyway) MUSE (Alprostadil) urethral suppository and it worked great and he no longer has bad headaches or other side affects like he did from Viagra or Cialis.

He checked the cost and it was much to expensive but somehow he worked with Medicare and drug companies to get the cost way down.

If you have headaches from Viagra type drugs, might want to have cerebral circulation checked.

Have found out since then several people has same diagnosis and lived for years with only very few problems..

He started showing symptoms on Nov. with weakness in L leg and sometimes things would slip out of his L hand. It later progressed to dizziness and then vertigo with nausea, on occasion. We went to several different doctors and none could help or even advise. When it started affecting vision in his R eye I put my foot down and made him go to MUSC and have cerebral angiogram and they finally found the problem.

The only thing that has not cleared up is vision but it is not all of the time. He also is having a few more problems with memory, agitation and is more tired. Even at 70 he still has to be the (HE) man though and has not slowed down.

Hope this info. helps someone.

Have a blessed day

Do you or someone you know have ED?

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