samedi 20 septembre 2014

ISIS spotted in my city!

So I'm driving home from work today and I get stuck at the same red light I get stuck at everyday. A few seconds, after I stopped, a truck pulls up next to me filled with, what I assume were, Middle Eastern guys. They were yelling something in a language I didn't understand. I noticed they were holding a flag out the window and then to my surprise I noticed it was an ISIS flag. I then saw all the posters stuck to the truck. They read things like "Death to America" and "Die Infidels". I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Before I could process what was going on the light turned green and the truck full of Muslims took off. As they sped across the intersection a huge semi truck blew the red light and plowed directly into their truck. Pieces of truck and body went everywhere. It was a bloody mess. Just then I thought "Wow, that could've been me". So tomorrow I'm signing up for trucking school.

ISIS spotted in my city!

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