jeudi 25 septembre 2014

using canning jars for storage

I have been using canning jars for storing all kinds of stuff. Tobacco, rolling papers, cake mixes and you name it.

Why not? They are as air tight as it gets and you can see what's in them. They don't cost that much, $.70 maybe?

And some time after TSHTF the jars will be like GOLD. If you are going to have a garden your going to need to preserve

some food for later. So when you use canning jars as storage there is 0 wast. Even the container will be put to good use.

Canning jars are part of my preps so why have a stack of empty jars? They come in a case of 12 SHRINK WRAPPED in a heavy

plastic I can cut a slit in the plastic wrap pull out the jars and then put them back with whatever I want inside them.

This makes them really great for stacking. Even if you don't plan on needing them they will be great for bartering

These have tobacco in them

Make sure you have lots of extra lids

using canning jars for storage

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