jeudi 18 février 2016

1,001 uses for....?

Tampons - not just for the ladies - bloody noses and bullet holes.

Cayenne pepper - good for flavoring and stopping bloodloss/cuagulation. Easy to grow.

Honey - natural antibacterial, wound protection, sore throat coating, and sweetener

Sugar - wound clotting, sweetner, and energy booster. Can also be melted and fashoned into razor sharp cutting instruments. Sugar cane grows easily and quickly.

Silver coins - barter, antiseptic, can be put into raw milk to keep ot fresh at room temperature for long periods, can be melted and used as shot or blades.

Waterbottle - liquid storage, but also able to be hung above the flames of a fire to allow water to boil. The plastic turns black but very few toxins actually leach into the bottle unless the bottle melts. Also usable to put green leaves in and leave in sun. The leaves will resporate into the bottom of the bottle providing clean drinking water. (Just dont use poisonois leaves !!!!)

Screwdriver - tool, prybar, hand weapon, crossbow bolt, tent stake.

Tea bags - flavors poor tasting water, can be put in a wound to stop bleeding and actually help healing. Bag can be used to filter sediment from water. Black tea is an astringent. Pepperment tea bag, applied with cold wet water releaves toothache.

Wood fire smoke and ash - wave smoke over your body to clean akin and neutralize body order. Mix ash with water to use as a crude body wash/soap.

Pointy stick / staff - good for hiking and a must have for self defense, keeps threats a length.

Steel wool - great for cleaning/scouring, also very flammable with fire or electric starting method (just dont use the one with soap pre embedded).

Tires - good for vehicles, bike inner tube good for slingshot, tread cut in 1x3" sections are flammable fire starters that burn even when wet, burn a long time, and provide a lot of black snoke for signaling.

Aluminum foil - fire stove top, wrapping food for cookong or from insects, signaling device, insulation in clothing to stop thermal imaging or retain body heat. Wad it up and use as a scrubber on cast iron pans. Can be fashioned into utencils or a pipe.

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1,001 uses for....?

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