samedi 6 février 2016

Forgot about the weight ...

DefaultForgot about the weight ...

Had a 1,000 round case of .45 ACP delivered today and I forgot how heavy that many pistol rounds can be. The weight wonks know to the exact ounce I'm sure, but suffice it to say that the case is on par with a large sack of dog chow or cat litter ... at least 30lbs +, but it was darn heavy. The point? We have so many threads and discussions about bug out firearms that it's easy to forget about how much bug out ammo actually weighs. LEOs who wear loaded Sam Browne belts all day know about heavy equipment, and military vets can speak to bandoliers and mags, but us regular folks who plan and prep need to be cognizant of how much ammo to carry AND how much that ammo is going to add to the overall mobile weight. It's nice to dream about bringing along a case of this or that, but picking up my ACP today was a reality check since I don't normally lug cases around. Obviously, smaller calibers will be more manageable, but combined with rifle ammo? Better get a pack mule or hand truck.

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Forgot about the weight ...

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