jeudi 18 février 2016

Hi from Florida

I have been a long time survivalist / outdoorsman and an equally long time lurker on these boards. I have been able to get a lot of tips and tricks on here as well as advice and have decided to step out of the shadows and join up to give back for a change.

Outside of survival and outdoors stuff I'm a Harley enthusiast, avid gun collector, tinkerer (i.e. I build stuff for fun all the time), surety agent in training (i.e. bounty hunter), wood-worker, graduate student, tactical gear whore / proud owner of a set of prototype H&K AR500 Mandalorian plate armor, and online political blogger / social media pundit. I have a small blog and YouTube channel that used to be a hobby and is now generating some nice revenue.

I look forward to becoming more involved with this online community

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Hi from Florida

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