lundi 1 février 2016

Living off the land!

Series like that are scripted to a degree and some to a high degree I think. They might get you started thinking, though.

But the land is not nearly as bountiful as many would believe. I'm not sure how long you can live on proteins even if you could kill enough animals and they were not hunted to the point that few were left, as during the Great Depression.

Long term survival depends on raising crops and that's tough to do with tractors, seeders and plentiful seed often. Mother nature refuses to cooperate regardless of how hard you try. Then there's everything else that might prevent you from harvesting and storing your crops.

Wild edibles are certainly not plentiful in my parts the majority of the year. Living near the ocean or a place with fish year around would be a big head start.

Don't worry. Be happy. And prepared.

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Living off the land!

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