lundi 1 février 2016


Ok, Christians, how many of you employ Biblical teachings when choosing a candidate? Do you believe that God's laws should always come first, so you are obligated to vote for the candidate who keeps Christ's tenets? Do you believe that you are obligated to NOT vote for a candidate who holds a decidedly anti-Christian belief, i.e. you're a Catholic and a candidate is pro choice?
We are admonished in Scripture over and over to keep God's law first and foremost, and to not obey Man's law when it conflicts, so does that include voting for a candidate who obviously does not follow Scripture?
Or do you compartmentalize God and politics separately, somehow convincing yourself that the Separation of Church and State doctrine absolves you from considering Biblical mandates when voting? Would Jesus vote for the lesser of two evils?
Most of us agree that our once great country has slid towards the abyss over the last half century, apparently coinciding with the minimalization or even elimination of God in our public lives. And yes, this has been foretold. My question then, is how do we justify to God voting for people who willingly ignore or even contradict His will? How many of us have lost sight of the principle guiding light to which we supposedly have chosen as our Beacon? Will we be able to convince Jesus that we did what we did for His glory, or for the good of the country?

What say you?

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