samedi 6 février 2016

Old fart prepper

Alone and 72 years old, I do not need to be prepared to live off the grid with 5 years supply of fuel, victuals, thousands of rounds of ammo, etc. My necessaries are limited, food, water, shelter, and prescription drugs. Hello, I am not apt to die from cold, starvation, thirst, or lack of shelter. It is the prescription drugs that is my problem, Crestor, Lisonopril, Warfarin, Metolazone and Amoxicillan are not widely available.

Bottom line, maybe you need to be thinking about how you are going to tackle these issues, particularly if you are a diabetic or have chronic ailments (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.). Having 10,000 rounds of 5.56 hoarded away is not going to help you with this problem.

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Old fart prepper

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