jeudi 18 février 2016

The definition and purpose of a Christian Church

The first Church was nothing more than a gathering of Christians who talked about what they witnessed during the time the Lord Jesus walked and taught among them. To be a testimony to others who didn't witness the events. To also share the old scripture with others who were traveling through their town and were curious enough to listen.

A Church is a body of people who gather to worship, sing and share the words of the Lord Jesus. To also discuss, find answers to our questions, to find sanctuary and peace, to learn about the Universe, to understand why we exist, Gods purpose for us, find sanity in the answers of the unknown, and to help us keep reason and logic in a Universe filled with chaos.

The Bible is a time capsul filled with those who witnessed the events that took place, a historical document and reference, a tool to let us know who the Creator of the Universe is, a guide in how people can live healthy long lives, a book of wisdom and advancing our knowledge, a book of guidelines and laws for a healthy civilization, and the key to enlightenment through God and the Lord Jesus. From its preserved historical and chronological aspect it has proven to be the most accurate with historical events, with names, places, wars, migrations, climate change, and time periods those events took place.
A tool every Christian Church has to teach with and advance our knowledge of God the Creator, the Lord Jesus, the world, our history, and the Universe.

A Church today is still a group of people, not a building, for a building is just a building without the body of people that share in the words of the Bible and Praise God and the Lord Jesus together. The building is merely to keep the people more comfortable and dry.

The speaker in the Church is not chosen by God, but rather volunteers to speak the words from the Bible and share their experience with the word if they want to. Though is it today a preference the speaker have some schooling in theology and practice in public speeches, none of those long before us had any such training. They simply read from the Bible and people listened and discussed the events talked about. Anyone could get up and read the scriptures.

A simple radio broadcast is only a broadcast, but those who listen are the body and the Church. With our technology it is available for anyone to read the words of the Bible.

Some like an organized event, which more branches of Chrirtianity have created a guideline for that building and all who attend that building will be treated in that organized fashion or taught by their organzied doctrine. Some require membership and payment, others do not. God doesn't want your money, only people want your money. God only wants to hear from you and hope you will learn to Love God and His Son Jesus.
These things did not exist in the first Churches, which were just a group of people gathered in a street or in a field. Yet, a gathering of people is still the Church, but an eon from now the building may be dust and forgotten.
People do want to gather, sing and worship, but they have to decide which group to worship with and deal with the politics with some priests or pastors. They can always attend a different gathering.

It is important that we don't see any building as a Church, they have come and gone for years. The body of people is the Church and they do the worshiping and not the building. It is important that we can also worship God without others, for each of our voices are heard as loud as any gathering.
You can be enlightened just as much by worshiping God the Creator and the Lord Jesus by yourself and there will be times due to weather or a disaster you are on your own to worship. Even though people need people and that communion with others, to help each other find strength and enjoy fellowship with one another, being wanted and needed by others, that is perfectly normal as many are social and caring people.

What I pointed out was only a group of people gathered together are the Church, God never wanted you to become slaves to a priest or pastor, God never wanted your money, God doesn't want you worshiping idols and buildings, God let's you learn the word on your own and hopes in the end you find shelter, Love and Peace in God the Creator and the Lord Jesus.

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The definition and purpose of a Christian Church

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