We just lost our business to a fire last week and are seriously contemplating getting out of Illinois. But where to go? Illinois, for all of her political problems is an excellent place for survival (excluding Chicagoland). We have fertile soil, excellent growing season, and lots of wildlife. We homeschool and don't vaccinate our kids and Illinois is actually one of the best states do to those things. We own a small farm that has been in the family for generations and raise a few cattle and lots of our own food. Our business in west central Illinois has treated us VERY well over the years and we feel like if we rebuild it will continue to do so, but SHOULD we? I've studied different US areas for years and I do not find anything without its flaws. Why are you happy where you are and would you recommend it to others?
Disclaimer: I promise we're not yuppies. Just conservative country people trying to do what's right for our family. Our perfect place has to have a good growing season, stable water supply, grazing land for cows, and a better-than-Illinois economy and political climate. Our line of work has always been automotive repair but my husband can do anything with heavy equipment as well. 
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