lundi 20 mars 2017

Honest we've got no evidence that trump was wire tapped. Sure

Somebody help me out here. Maybe my reading comprehension isn't up to par....

Don't get me wrong, I'm outraged and nearly triggered that this even happened, but what does it have to do with the current allegations during the presidential election? I don't see how this helps our case.

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Honest we've got no evidence that trump was wire tapped. Sure

how to post advertiment

Hi,sorry for disturbing u.i have some questions on how to post advertisement thread on your website. I know that a member can be a merchant for $50/month,and after being a merchant,we can post advertisement thread on ForSale section.but we i jumped into that section,i found out that almost all the thread are post by im so confused about that.I think there should be many merchants post deals,so i wanna know is there anything i dont know or i get it wrong?
I really want to figure this out and I need your help.Looking forward to your reply.thanks!

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how to post advertiment

dimanche 19 mars 2017

Water Storage for Long Drives

Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to store at least 5 gallons of water in a vehicle with a drinking tube similar to hydration packs used for outdoor activities?

I was thinking of taking either a 5 gallon water jug for coolers or something like an Igloo beverage container, buying a spare 3ft bladder hose (Camelbak for example) and attach/elongate it enough so I could drink from it. I would likely have it behind the passenger seat as there is a lot more room than behind the drivers seat.

To summarize, I drive a Prius and drive long distances daily due to school and a small business I own. Hydration has been an ongoing issue as I have enough room for a 3L jug up front with two 1 gallon bottles in the back far out of my reach. Due to the size of the car I only have so much space to tip the bottle and typically either buy another gallon bottle or refill somewhere every 1-2 days.

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Water Storage for Long Drives

Choosing the Best Medical Training

You can still get an associates rn two year degree plus maybe a year of prerequisites. The prerequisites might have to be recent.

My niece has gone pretty far with the aa rn and has never had trouble getting work. There is always talk of requiring a four year bachelor's degree but it hasn't happened so far. Work sometimes will help pay for that extra and it can often be done part time and on line.

PA is much more time, money, degree intense.

EMT is only one quarter I think. Pay is very low. Paramedics only make good money in FD or government service.

You might consider respiratory tech, a cousin did that overseas whenever he needed money. Or xray or other scanning technician. You're talking 2-3 years of school. A nephew just got a physical therapy tech license. Only one year plus prereqs. A physical therapist needs at least a masters, it may have gone to a Dr now.

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Choosing the Best Medical Training

RFinder: repeater location app for android

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

There are plenty of apps out there for finding local ham radio repeaters but IMO RFinder ( is the best. There is a...

RFinder: repeater location app for android

Saw this video on FB

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Saw this video on FB

feeding your bees

Defaultfeeding your bees

Weather trends like this spring have me tickled pink I don't have my bee hives anymore. Those of you that do, don't forget to feed the little guys until the real blossoms come out. I seen a few around and thought, its too warm for her today and too cold for the flowers. Did I say that right? Oh well.
What happens in the hive? The clusters scatter in the hive on warm days and when cold sets in, well they are trapped where the honey isn't! And if tomorrow isn't warm again, well they eat that small bit of honey up and starve. They're not able to get to the other/main cluster to stay warm.
Old beekeepers with knowledge know what I mean. So any pointers on this thread are welcome since i know there are a lot of newbie beekeepers out there. I was new/green once and there were a lot of things I wish I had known.

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feeding your bees

ROFLMAO.. Convicted by pacemaker! Serious?

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Yup. stone cold serious.. Our electronics are being used against us... Secrets from smart devices find path to US legal system...

ROFLMAO.. Convicted by pacemaker! Serious?

For anyone planning to install Windows 7 on new hardware


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For anyone planning to install Windows 7 on new hardware

AR15 Bolt Carrier Groups In-Stock Now @ Slickguns


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AR15 Bolt Carrier Groups In-Stock Now @ Slickguns

Another water question.

DefaultAnother water question.

This may have been covered here. But if so I can't find it.
I purchased a propure traveler with a good filter. (g2 ) My water was stored in sanitized coke zero 2 liter bottles and sealed with tape. Returned to plastic trays they are stored in grocery. Kept in cool dark basement. Can water stored in them be ran through the traveler. to be safely used as drinking water. If so how long would they be safe to use.

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Another water question.

NYC Sightseeing Security Checks

I'm just coming back from a vacation to New York City and want to write about my experiences going through security to say where you can and can't go with a pocket knife. Btw: you can carry a pocket knife in NYC, read the actual laws and not someone's post.

American Natural History Muesum: only bag checks with a flashlight.

Top of the Rock: no knives at all. Bags in X-ray, person through metal detector.

NYC Public Library: only bag checks with a flashlight.

WTC Muesum: no knives at all. Bags in X-ray, person through metal detector.

Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island:
Small pocket knifes under 2 1/2" blades allowed only. Bags in X-ray, person through metal detector. (To get to the pedistal or crown you need to go through an addition security check but you can check a bag for $2).

Most of their websites will say no pocket knives even though when you get there, some location's signs clearly left that part of list of banned items. I felt unneedly vulnerable half of the time I was there because of overly strict websites. Some websites even say you can't bring food and drinks in when you clearly can. Only place you can't bring food/drink is top of the rock or the Effie Tower pedistal/crown($2 check bag okay), but Top of the Rock clearly didn't care about my 2 bottles of water and granola bars in the X-ray machine.

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NYC Sightseeing Security Checks

If you store hay watch videos read links


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If you store hay watch videos read links

Trump gets Irish eyes smiling


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Trump gets Irish eyes smiling

The Great 10/22 Soft Shoe How To -- Part 2 --

aka -- "Wifey's next birthday long gun" --

A few months ago I got this from our S.A.F.E. prez & NRA board member John Cushman -- $100. w/ the case --

So much for my hand gun license last year -- but our tax refunds are on the way --

I didn't do any of the trigger work yet -- I wanted it done for a big reveal at our next "Women on Target" class's on the 18th. -- I'll lay it on the show & tell table and see if she notices ?

Sooooooooooooooooooo --

Birch stock which is horable to stain --

So -- lets see --- ? --- Pink ?

She likes a short-ish length of pull - so off with 3/4" at the apex of the curve --

Barrel bands are for ******* -- 30° cut --

Marked where I want the comb cut - drilled the holes first - then cut --

Found some 1/4" brass rod on line ( apparently theres none on Crap-island ) -- cut lengths & 1 & 1/2" off the barrel --

There's a guy on YouTube who made his own set screw anchor's -- nice -- but I found these furniture thing's in Lowes -- yes they snap e-z --

Epoxied them in and the rods into the comb -- hamster pommel horse --

A little Bondo --

A long white vinegar bath --

Got a 1900 box plastic top & used the cut end for a template --

Dime store flip-flops --

Belt sanded --

Gloss paint this time --

Painted the butt plate & inside the combing -- the cut off front - lavender --

Oops -- the first thing I did to the stock was mill finger groves -- just in case I screwed it up --

Barrel front site filled in & painted Duracoat matt black along with the reciver & scope rail --

The stamping on hers weren't really deep - but nail polish anyway & cobalt blue for me --

11° cut --

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The Great 10/22 Soft Shoe How To -- Part 2 --

New CB gear. Lucky me!

So I am super happy with my tuned up Uniden PC78ELITE and Wilson 500 but fell into a good deal the other day.

We got a blizzard Monday night. So the next day the plows came to plow my complex. When I got back from taking a drive around while the plows did their thing I happened to notice a big jacked up ford sitting there waiting that I noticed had a Wilson on it a couple days prior.

I rolled up on him and commented about his truck and asked, didn't you have a Wilson antenna the other day? He said yes but he took it down cuz he almost never uses his CB. And he was looking to sell it. Long story short, I scored a Wilson 5000 and a Cobra 29LTD chrome both only 2 months old for $50.

So the 5000 replaced my 500 and the Cobra is sitting inside. I am thinking of having the Cobra peaked and tuned and having side band added to it.

Anyways. I am super lucky that I stumbled onto this deal. Thought I would share!

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New CB gear. Lucky me!

samedi 18 mars 2017

White leghorn hariness

2016 I bought either 22 or 24 chicks, a feral cat killed just about all of the them. The first ones to go missing were the white leghorns.

Late January 2017 I bought 6 leghorns, 3 delawares and 3 silver laced wyandottes.

At around 7 weeks old I moved them from the small chicken house out to the large house and flock.

A week later one of the leghorns is dead, while the others are not looking good.

Delawares are looking ok and the silver laced wyandottes look the best.

I doubt I will be buying any more leghorns. They do not seem to be very hardy and are rather small.

The chicken house is 16 x 16 foot, chicken yard is around a 1/2 acre and they get to free range. There is plenty of room, the hoopers have feed in them, the chicks have access to water.

I just not understand what the problem is? I wanted to up my egg production so I bought some leghorns. Now I am wondering if they are suited for farm life?

I have not had this problem with the dual purpose heritage breeds. Rhode island reds, buff orpington, australorp,,, never have problems like this. Rarely do I lose a chick that is 2 months old.

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White leghorn hariness

Wifi/internet security

With all going on in the hacking world, NSA snooping etc.

I currently use Opera browser, with VPN

How good VPN is I do not know,but surely better than nothing.

I do use duckduckgo search engine which does not track users.

Currently using comodo firewall free version.

I also have been looking into security for my wifi router.

Thought I would pass this on I read today from PC Mag.

The wifi security stuff sounds a little more involved.

Also VPN, Tor, Bittorrent, Firewalls are good things to learn about.

I am not advocating any reccommendations in the above link, as I have not tried/researched them yet.

Just trying to learn more about this stuff.

I am hoping there are members here who are much more knowledgeable, and can chime in with reccommendations.

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Wifi/internet security

Nice little homestead for sale


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Nice little homestead for sale

6.5x55 Swede surplus preferably 140 Spitzers

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If anyone has any they are looking to move, I'm interested. Let me know what manufacture head stamp(s) you have. Thanks

6.5x55 Swede surplus preferably 140 Spitzers

If you could go back in time for one day when would you go?


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If you could go back in time for one day when would you go?

Hearing protection act and the price of suppressors


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Hearing protection act and the price of suppressors

The Whitehouse is not secure enough

This latest episode of an intruder breaching the Whitehouse and spending 17 minutes inside is yet another obvious warning sign that the Whitehouse is not secure enough to be the home of our President.

I stayed at the hotel across the street for a conference a few years ago and can state unequivocally that there is no way I would feel secure in that house, let alone a sitting president.

And not just from someone walking onto the property. It is way too vulnerable from a variety of threats. (Not going to specify because I don't want to give the bad guys any ideas).

Trump should move his whitehouse somehere else. Almost anywhere would be better. he has a hotel in DC right? Might be a better option.

Plus that whitehouse is probably so full of listening devices that nothing discussed there is secure. probably was more secure talking openly in his restaurant in Mar a Lago.

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The Whitehouse is not secure enough

Bible 'promises' from the books of First and Second Kings.

Bible 'promises' from the books of First and Second Kings.

I am doing a project to find all Bible promises that I can. Some say there are hundreds of them, others say there are thousands of promises in the Bible.

I have reviewed the site TOS. I am not asking 'only' Christians, because this is not a Christian-only discussion.

I have found a few websites that mention Bible promises, but they list only a few dozen.

So I have began working through the books of the Bible to find them. For now just focusing on the books of First and Second Kings, what promises can you find?

Please list them in this thread.

Thank you,
may God bless and keep you

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Bible 'promises' from the books of First and Second Kings.

Aussie Korean War sniper

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

I'm not very good at posting links so if this doesnt work try googleing "Ian Robertson" Australian Korean war sniper. I thought it was a good...

Aussie Korean War sniper

tighten a handle?

Don't know much about knives,so I don't know the name/construction of this part to search.
(no pic,sorry)
Just a cheap 'hunting"knife I got at a garage sale.Has a wooden handle with a couple leather rings,and a metal cap at the end.There is a small,round"nut?" at the end that has 2 tiny sq. holes opposite each other,maybe 1/4 inch apart.It seems like you need to insert a special wrench kinda like a 2 prong fork or something to tighten it up?

Does it turn righty/tighty like normal.

Hope I decribed it clear enough so someone can give me a clue on how to tighten up the handle.

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tighten a handle?

Local government gives incentives to house homeless in backyard

And yet these same Libtards will arrest a man for building a pond in his backyard or for allowing his livestock to graze on land where some turtles live.

I wonder if the Communist Democrat politicians of Oregon will be the first to pitch some tents in their own backyards?! I have my doubts.

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Local government gives incentives to house homeless in backyard

vendredi 17 mars 2017

What is in your survival library?

I just received my SAS Survival Handbook 3rd Edition. Looking forward to reading through it.

I started thinking about my library as soon as I realized I had become a prepper. As an avid reader, i was already reading all the Apocalyptic/TEOTWAWKI fiction and then started looking for what I needed on hand after the SHTF that I could also use in preparation. So here is some of what I have:

SAS Survival Handbook
FoxFire Series - love it, great read and very informative.
The Foxfire Book of Appalachian Cookery
Gray's Anatomy: Classic Illustrated Edition
The PDR Pocket Guide to Prescription Drugs
The Pill Book (15th Edition): New and Revised

These are either on order or in my shopping cart for the near future.
Southeast Foraging: 120 Wild and Flavorful Edibles from Angelica to Wild Plums
The Backpacker's Field Manual, Revised and Updated
The Encyclopedia of Country Living, 40th Anniversary Edition
Wilderness Living
All New Square Foot Gardening II
Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook, Revised Edition
Wilderness Survival
Where There Is No Dentist
A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants: Eastern and central North America
Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival
The Bushcraft Field Guide to Trapping, Gathering, and Cooking in the Wild
Advanced Bushcraft: An Expert Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival
Bushcraft First Aid: A Field Guide to Wilderness Emergency Care

In addition, I bought an Amazon Fire tablet (I prefer an iPad for use but these are cheap and can use a MicroSD for storage) with 4 ea 64GB MicroSD cards and a 24W Solar Charger. I have downloaded hundreds of Military Equipment Manuals, Army Field Manuals, and a sh1t load of books from this list....

So what's in your Library (sounds like a Capitol One commercial).

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What is in your survival library?

One-click HTML codes in SB GUI not working?

Sometime in the last couple of days my SB GUI has stopped inserting HTML codes, either by clicking the button at the top of the post entry window, or by the old CTRL-x method that I've used since the dawn of cyber-civilization. Good chance one of my cats did this, since they think that walking on the keyboard is a super way of getting my attention. I can see that in the "Posting Rules" box at the bottom of the page that "HTML code is OFF".

How do I turn this back on? I can hand-enter the codes, but it's slow and annoying. Running Firefox on top of Windows XP, for what that's worth.

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One-click HTML codes in SB GUI not working?

"How to Recognize a Right-Wing Family" - German magazine article

This article appeared in the German magazine, "Baby & Family." This is not some fringe magazine: it has the highest circulation and readership of any parenting magazine in Germany with 1.56 million readers. It's been published for fifty years and is distributed for free through pharmacies.

The article quotes three "experts" on "right wing extremism," including a researcher at Frankfurt University.

Here is a quote from the article, in English:


The "right children" would usually be used to keeping their daily lives secret from a small age. They "wear certain clothes," explains the right-wing extremist researcher Prausner. Children of such parents would often not wear American letters on their clothes.

There are, however, "symbols" on the clothes of "right children". "Someone who does not know about it," but will not notice it, "continues Prausner. "Accurate braided braids and long skirts" would already be a warning signal and reference to "right parents".

Kitas can prepare themselves in case "right parents" register their children with them. A house rule and a mission statement could clarify which forms of interaction and values ​​the daycare was. Mothers and fathers could get involved in the parental advisory board, and they would be able to take appropriate measures against "right parents".

Substitute "Jewish" for "right-wing" and it reads like Nazi propaganda from the 1930s:


The "Jewish children" would usually be used to keeping their daily lives secret from a small age. They "wear certain clothes," explains the Jewish-extremism researcher Prausner. Children of such parents would often not wear American letters on their clothes.

There are, however, "symbols" on the clothes of "Jewish children". "Someone who does not know about it," but will not notice it, "continues Prausner. "Accurate braided braids and long skirts" would already be a warning signal and reference to "Jewish parents".

Kitas can prepare themselves in case "Jewish parents" register their children with them. A house rule and a mission statement could clarify which forms of interaction and values ​​the daycare was. Mothers and fathers could get involved in the parental advisory board, and they would be able to take appropriate measures against "Jewish parents".

Article in German

Translated into English

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"How to Recognize a Right-Wing Family" - German magazine article

Trump doesn't look happy with Frau Merkel

"When reporters asked whether there would be a handshake, Merkel leaned in and appeared to ask, “Do you want to have a handshake?”

Trump did not even look back at her."

Probably didn't want to give the media the opportunity to claim he had groped her, or some such malarkey.

Now for some REAL news, as reported by German you can see..He DID shake her hand, he just didn't do it when the media WANTED him to.

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Trump doesn't look happy with Frau Merkel

Two BOBs = Buying Everything Twice = Bad Idea? SMH!

DefaultTwo BOBs = Buying Everything Twice = Bad Idea? SMH!

Fairly new to the forum with one posted topic re: survival knives, which I got a hella response to. Great feedback and suggestions that helped me make good decisions on recent purchases.
So, re: bug out bags, I've recently concluded that my plans for building two BOBs (his and hers) may be flawed. The flaw (question) being, do I really need to purchase two of everything on my gear list that results in two BOBs that are exactly the same? If so, my wife likely ends up with a BOB that is too big and heavy for her to manage.
In the SHTF scenario I'm planning for, my wife and I bug out together. With that in mind, is it really necessary for us to carry two of everything? Are there items we should just carry one of?...examples - multi-tools, emergency/weather radios, shelter supplies, saw/hatchet, first aid kits, etc.
I'm torn because I want her BOB to be self-reliant for her needs and not dependent on my BOB if we got separated for some unforeseen reason. Yet, again, we're dealing with a size/weight issue that could be difficult for her to pack, much less pace very far.
Just curious what some of you have done, or would do, in this scenario? Thanks!

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Two BOBs = Buying Everything Twice = Bad Idea? SMH!


[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Im in the process of buying land to live off grid, so just here to get as much information as possible :) Nice to meet y'all!


Was the debt ceiling raised 3-15-17?

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

That's my question. Was it raised or postponed or what? Thanks.:xeye::confused:

Was the debt ceiling raised 3-15-17?

Soros and Dems trying to lower voting age to 16

Another good reason why it is imperative that liberal progressives be stopped from indoctrinating our youth with propaganda systematically in a national government taxpayer scam called public education.

There are a few successful local school programs that manage to provide foundational education without trying to fill their heads with foolish nonsense. They have one thing in common. They don't accept federal funding.

They also don't view government as the solution to society's problems and therefore don't prioritize political power mongering which is funded by coercive edict to taxpayers who don't support them.

Public education is the storefront for progressive money laundering. People like Soros are the Puppeteer.

Some of the most honorable and successful young men and women I have met were home schooled or private schooled. Their parents having paid twice for an education through the school tax and private tutition. The keystone of change for our failed public school arrangement is a free market for education. We best get cracking because the liberals have a stranglehold on our future. It is our kids.

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Soros and Dems trying to lower voting age to 16

Benefits Of Organic Fertilizers

Prepared organic fertilizers incorporate manurOre, humic corrosive, amino acids, and ocean growth extricates. Different cases are normal chemical processed proteins. Breaking down yield buildup (green compost) from earlier years is another wellspring of fruitfulness.

Organic fertilizers are carbon-based exacerbates that expansion the profitability and development nature of plants. They have different advantages over concoction fertilizers, which incorporate the accompanying:

Non-poisonous Food:
Use of these organic fertilizers guarantees that the sustenance things delivered are free of hurtful chemicals. Thus, the end shoppers who eat these organic items are less inclined to infections, for example, disease, strokes, and skin issue, when contrasted with the individuals who expend nourishment things created utilizing concoction fertilizers.

On-Farm Production:
The greater part of organic fertilizers can be arranged locally or on the homestead itself. Consequently, the cost of these fertilizers is much lower than the cost of synthetic fertilizers.

Low Capital Investment:
Notwithstanding the on-homestead generation potential outcomes of organic fertilizers, organic fertilizers help in keeping up the dirt structure and expanding its supplement holding limit. Thusly, an agriculturist who has drilled organic cultivating for a long time will require far less fertilizer, since his dirt is now rich in fundamental supplements.

Ripeness of Soil:
Organic fertilizers guarantee that the homesteads stay fruitful for a long time. Arrive situated at the site of antiquated civic establishments, for example, India and China, are as yet prolific, despite the fact that farming has been polished there for a huge number of years. The richness is kept up in light of the fact that organic fertilizers were constantly utilized as a part of the past. Be that as it may, with the expanded utilization of substance fertilizers today, land is quickly getting to be distinctly barren, driving numerous agriculturists to further build their utilization of concoction fertilizers or even leave the cultivating business altogether.

Safe Environment:
Organic fertilizers are effectively biodegradable and don't bring about natural contamination. Then again, synthetic fertilizers debase both the land and water, which is a noteworthy reason for infections for people and is the drive behind the elimination of various plant, creature, and bug species.

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Benefits Of Organic Fertilizers

Happy St Patricks Day

And what's a St Patricks Day with a few good Irish jokes.

I'll start it off:

A pregnant Irish woman from Dublin gets in a car accident and falls into a deep coma. Asleep for nearly 6 months, when she wakes up she sees that she is no longer pregnant and frantically asks the doctor about her baby.

The doctor replies, 'Ma'am you had twins! a boy and a girl. Your brother from Cork came in and named them.'

The woman thinks to herself, 'Oh No, not my brother... he's an idiot!' She asks the doctor, 'Well, what's the girl's name?' Denise.'

'Wow, that's not a bad name, I like it! What's the boy's name?'


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Happy St Patricks Day

Exterior Door Locks Recommendations for 2017?

Long story short: I am moving to a new place soon.
First thing to do in a new house is to change locks.

I am planning to implement other security measures (alarm, door frame reinforcement, security film on windows, cameras) in a near future, but need to start with the locks.

Any particular model recommendations? Something better than average? Are there any drill resistant and reliable keypad locks? Thanks

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Exterior Door Locks Recommendations for 2017?

Need advice to buy an airsoft gun


Get a metal pellet air rifle instead. It's useful marksmanship practice now and remains a useful tool all through life.

To search using Google, type "" in Google's search box, followed by the search parameters. You can use all the normal conventions, limit searches by date, etc. Works quite well and beats the native search function.

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Need advice to buy an airsoft gun

jeudi 16 mars 2017

New AR build

For you experts, please critique my build. Going to tacticool/SHTF.

Spikes Lower
Timney Single stage 3.5 trigger
BCM receiver
Rainer 16" CFH Barrel
Seekins adjustable gas block
POF 6 position anti tilt buffer tube kit.
Rainer Lower Parts kit
PSA Full auto BCG
Minimalist stock
Glumac M lok Free float Handguard


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New AR build

Talk to me about Brend knives

Had never heard of em, which is strange, at one time he was a resident of Walterboro South Carolina, I know he uses 8CR13 for steel, design is a lil swoopier than i usually like but for tha price a bud from Portland is offering it to me, seeing its a 30th anniversary M6, and hes offering it to me for less than a CRKT, I could take it out and skuff it up in the swamp.
anyone ever heard of tha brand? i know he was older in the 80s/90s, I cant find out if hes still around, last facebook think he was in his 80s, in TENN.

trying to find some history.......

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Talk to me about Brend knives