dimanche 19 mars 2017

Choosing the Best Medical Training

You can still get an associates rn two year degree plus maybe a year of prerequisites. The prerequisites might have to be recent.

My niece has gone pretty far with the aa rn and has never had trouble getting work. There is always talk of requiring a four year bachelor's degree but it hasn't happened so far. Work sometimes will help pay for that extra and it can often be done part time and on line.

PA is much more time, money, degree intense.

EMT is only one quarter I think. Pay is very low. Paramedics only make good money in FD or government service.

You might consider respiratory tech, a cousin did that overseas whenever he needed money. Or xray or other scanning technician. You're talking 2-3 years of school. A nephew just got a physical therapy tech license. Only one year plus prereqs. A physical therapist needs at least a masters, it may have gone to a Dr now.

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Choosing the Best Medical Training

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